12 Advantages Of Metal Sheds

12 Advantages Of Metal Sheds

When it comes to storage at home or at work, in a rural or industrial setting, we’re going to bet a shed has got you covered. With their versatility and deceptively simple design, everyone can use a shed on their property. Ranbuild sheds are especially great and it’s easy to find a Ranbuild shed dealer near you.

One of the reasons we recommend Ranbuild sheds is their use of genuine Australian BlueScope steel and COLORBOND® steel. When it comes to constructing sheds, not all material is made equal.

Traditional wooden sheds have a certain aesthetic value that is undeniable and there are pro and cons to a metal shed, just like there are with any kind of building material, but here are 12 advantages of metal sheds that are worth considering for your next build.

1 – Functional

First and foremost a shed’s got to get the job done and a metal shed definitely puts function first.

2 – Customizable

A metal shed can sometimes look like just the skeleton of a structure, this can be good for people who like something more bare-bones. If that’s not your thing, many shed can now be fitted with PVC or Vinyl siding.

3 – Diy Friendly

If you want to put your shed together yourself that’s completely doable. In fact, most metal shed’s come in kit’s to make this an achievable project.

4 – Used By Experts

You don’t have to go it alone however, there are lots of experts ready to help you design, get shire approval for and build a shed that fits your specific needs.

5 – Long Lasting

Metal is a durable construction material and a well made metal shed is going to last for many years helping you oversee many projects in a variety of conditions.

6 – Safer In A Fire

While nothing is safe in an inferno, loose sparks and embers won’t send a metal shed up in flames. It’s a fact of life in Australia that you need to take fire safety seriously, wherever you are.

7 – Easy To Move

A metal shed is going to be significantly lighter than a wooden counterpart of the same durability. You probably won’t have to move your shed too often but if you do you’ll be grateful.

8 – Security

A strong, reinforced metal shed is going to be a real deterrent for thieves. Rest well knowing that your valuables are stored in a secure location.

9- Simple To Paint

While there is nothing wrong with a clean functional shed, a splash of colour never hurts. Metal shed’s take to pain quite well, try using a latex acrylic paint with a metal bonding primer.

10 – Quick To Repair

Since metal sheds often come in kits, a lot of the parts are easy to replace should something get damaged.

11 – Faster To Get Approved

Getting shire council approval for a metal shed is often a quick and routine task. This is just an added benefit that comes from the combinations of all the other advantages of metal sheds. While some shire building inspectors will be tougher than others, with a metal shed you’re starting on the right foot.

12.  No Termites And Fewer Pests In General

These traditionally hard to get rid of pests are specifically a wooden shed problem, for obvious reasons. Other pests will also find it harder to make a metal shed their home.

Bonus Advantage 13- My Mother In Law Likes Them

She’s been a farmer in WA her whole life and she had this to say on the subject of metal sheds,  “I love them, I think they look distinguished, sure a wooden barn is nice but a metal shed means business”

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