4 Creepy Crawlers And How To Keep Them Away

4 Creepy Crawlers And How To Keep Them Away

Top 4 Common Pest Infestations At Home

Creepy bugs live around the home without us knowing it. At night, you may hear clacking through the walls or squeaking. The moment you notice signs of creepy crawlers, it’s time to call pest control or purchase repellants from the nearest store.

Still, “prevention is better than cure” is very applicable in this situation. Here are the most common pests that you should keep from invading the household:


Termites enter the house from the ground or the air. If you see wings on the floors of your home, that means termites may have already started infesting a part of the house. This happens because drywood termites that come from existing termite colonies fly around, looking for new colonies.

Once they’ve found a new place to swarm, they shed their wings, carve a new colony, and lay eggs. On the other hand, subterranean termites come from the ground and work their way up to the surface of your home as they look for more food sources.

They create mud tunnels and are the cause of 95% of the termite damage in the United States. Termites are usually difficult to deal with, so contacting termite control services in Salt Lake City would be your most ideal choice.


Mice can damage furniture, packaging, and chew on food. They carry and spread diseases, so failing to act on them immediately may cause severe effects. Mice are most active from dusk until dawn which is why you will not see them running around in the day time.

Creepy Crawlers

Before an entire family of rats starts living between your walls, you should take action by setting up mouse traps where you see shredded paper and nibbled objects. You can use nuts, dried food, candies or peanut butter as bait.


Mosquitoes carry serious and deadly diseases. They also cause irritation and redness, but instead of swatting them away, it’s best to work on gaps around doors and install window screens to keep mosquitoes outside.

However, when they’ve gone inside the house, there are pest repellers that emit a frequency that’s inaudible to humans. They repel other bugs as well. There are also plants such as lemongrass and citronella that repel mosquitoes.

While mosquitoes are being dealt with inside the house, make sure to protect yourself with lotions and sprays to avoid irritation and contracting diseases.


Many homes have reported having an ant infestation in the past year. Ants look for food and moisture, and they also come in groups. Once one of them finds a food source, the rest of the army follows, so good sanitation should be observed around the house right away.

Food spills should be cleaned up, and trash should be brought out regularly. Since there are different types of ants, it’s best to identify which one is invading your home before acting on the problem. Fix water leaks to avoid moisture at home. You can also use natural ingredients such as coffee grinds, garlic and chili pepper.

Maintaining the house is a big obligation to homeowners, and it includes keeping unwanted bugs out of the house. Remember to cover gaps, put on a window screen, and avoid moisture.

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