6 Signs That You Need Ceiling Repairs

6 Signs That You Need Ceiling Repairs

There are a few things that last forever in our homes. Unfortunately, ceilings aren’t one of those things. Admittedly, ceilings can last a really long time, but various external factors like the weather or pests can cause damage to ceilings that may warrant repairs or even replacements.

The thing is, how do you know exactly when it’s time to call experts for ceiling repairs Perth residents trust? Here are some indicators that your ceiling needs some help.


Ceilings will naturally get discoloured or fade over time when the paint degrades. Some sections of your ceiling will also fade faster if it gets more sun exposure. If you notice rapid and uneven yellowish or brownish discolouration, however, it could be a sign of water damage. Check the roof and plumbing for possible leaks. Another source of water damage is a faulty air conditioning system. Once you’ve figured out the culprit, address that problem first before you get your ceilings repaired or replaced.

Mould and Mildew

Water damage doesn’t just cause discolouration. They can also cause the growth of mould and mildew. This is beyond an aesthetic issue of black, white, and dark green stains since mould and mildew are health hazards that can cause various diseases. At the very least, they can exacerbate allergies. If you notice even just a small patch of mould on the ceiling, call the experts immediately. They can safely remove the fungal growth, allowing you to easily repair or replace the ceiling as soon as possible.

Peeling Paint

Another sign that your ceiling needs some repairs is peeling, flaking, or bubbling paint. Usually, this is accompanied by discolouration, mould, or mildew. Still, it can manifest as a symptom all on its own. Get in touch with a ceiling repair company if you notice anything odd with your ceiling’s paint so they can determine if you need more than just a fresh coat of colour.

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Cracks and Similar Damage

Cracks in your ceiling can be straight lines, jagged or forked lines like a lightning bolt, or even have a spider-web pattern. Usually, these cracks are indicators of structural problems. Sometimes, an abrupt change from extremely hot to cold temperatures may also lead to hairline cracks as the ceiling “settles.” If you have an attic, you may also want to check the temperature and moisture conditions, along with the weight of the items in the room. Depending on how severe the cracks are, your ceiling may need partial or complete replacement. What’s more, you may also have to extend the repairs to the roof trusses or rafters.


There are many reasons behind a sagging ceiling. It could be caused by termites, poor construction, water damage, or even earthquakes. Again, the key thing to remember is to find the source and address it immediately. This is especially true in the case of termite or earthquake damage since these can spread quicker than you realise.


When your ceiling sags between their joists (support beams made from timber or steel that help hold up the ceiling), it results in a wavy, buckled appearance that often follows the pattern of the joists. This is called pillowing. Often, this is caused by the joists being unable to support the weight of the ceiling. Eventually, this can cause your ceiling to collapse. Contact a ceiling repair specialist to your Perth home so you can prevent this from happening.

Make it a habit to look up from time to time and check how your home’s ceiling is doing. If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to call the professionals to help you with ceiling repairs. You’ll be saving yourself a lot of trouble, not to mention construction or even health expenses.

Author: I’m  Jaylin: SEO Expert of Leelija Web Solutions. I am a content manager, and the author of thegrinbin.com and a full time blogger. Favourite things include my camera, travelling, caring my fitness, food and my fashion. Email id: editor@leelija.com

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