Top 5 Tips To Ensure You Feel Safe At Home

Top 5 Tips To Ensure You Feel Safe At Home

Household burglaries are one of the most common crimes. Whilst burglaries and home invasions of any kind are scary, it’s up to you to protect your home from any break-ins. To make sure you’re in control, remember to put safeguards into place. The secret to feeling safe at home is planning ahead and protecting yourself.

Here are 5 top tips to ensure you feel safe at home.

Get A Security System

Security systems used to be costly, confusing and difficult to set up. Today’s home security systems however, are easy and affordable, as well as ready to use in moments.

A security system can be used together with your smartphone to monitor your property or alternatively through a monitored system. Whichever method you decide on, there’s no reason to leave your home unprotected.

A good security system is a worthwhile investment that can detect motion, record your home and alert authorities if you’re in trouble. Be sure to do your research to find the right system for you.

Turn On The Lights

Turning on your lights are guaranteed to deter intruders quickly and easily. Installing motion detecting lights near the entrances of your home work well to shine a spotlight on potential burglars or unwanted visitors. Lights are a great way of adding a line of defence without spending huge amounts of money.

Alternatively, apps and smart devices can help you to set timers for your home’s interior lights. If you’re planning on going away for a few days or you’re not feeling safe at night, set timers on your lights as it will leave an impression that someone is at home.

Update Your Keys And Locks

Locking your doors and windows is a must when it comes to protecting your home. Obtaining your first set of keys to your home can be an unforgettable experience but it’s important to remember that you may not be the only one with a key. Landlords, past owners and even strangers you’ve never met could have a copy.

Be sure to change the locks on your new home as soon as you move in. If it’s not possible, make sure to ask your landlord who else has a key and proceed to take secondary measures such as deadbolts to add an extra layer of security.

Besides changing your locks – if you need to give your key to someone – be sure you only leave your key with someone you trust and to not leave spares where they can easily be found.

Install A Doorbell Camera

Doorbell cameras make it easier than ever to feel safe in your home and can be an excellent deterrent for any potential burglars approaching your home. The newest generation of cameras record the comings and goings outside your front door, providing video evidence if at any time your house is intruded upon.

Doorbell cameras are capable of giving you an up close and personal look at who’s at your front door without putting yourself at risk. This allows you to view them through your device before deciding whether it’s safe or not to answer. What’s more, you can also communicate through your doorbell camera, so you can accept packages or give access to someone you know into your home without having to open the door yourself.

Get Acquainted With Your Neighbours

Taking the time out to introduce yourself and to get to know your neighbours is a great safety measure against any potential burglars. If your neighbours are aware that you’re at work during the day and there’s someone trying to intrude while you’re away, they’ll rightfully question it and call the authorities. The nosy neighbour you’re always complaining about could actually be an invaluable ally in the war against potential criminals.

There are plenty of would-be criminals looking for an easy target. It might not be possible for you to have a large guard dog protecting your property however, it’s always a good idea to have some peace of mind from practical and digital protection. You should note that there’s no such thing as perfect security. However, a combination of these tips added to the use of manned guarding especially where very large estate homes is concerned and guards armed with AR-15 rifles, will offer you better protection. Be sure to plan ahead and get yourself secure, so that you can feel safe in your home at all times.

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