Captain Handy

Captain Handy

My house is my castle — few can really disagree that when you go home, you would like to come to a place with a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Regardless of whether you are an owner of some real estate or just a renter, a desire to make your living environment more specific and personalized is natural. If you are in the club of those who would like to improve their housing conditions, the leading home renovation company Toronto is always there to assist.

Keep on reading this article and check which services of Captain Handy can suit your objectives. Onwards!

Basic Services: Competitive Advantages

The process of home modernizations may be completely divergent. Either applying to a third-party agency for a newly designed project or trying to create a layout on your own with software, a few really decide to experience a hassle of searching for the best and reliable materials, getting the right tools, and being engaged in repair affairs.

Captain Handy does the entire job instead of customers — professional technicians perform necessary project stages. If you worry that something may go wrong, there is a great bonus from the organization:

  • The team guarantees a top-notch quality of their services. The offered warranty may last up to five years.
  • Thanks to following modern landscaping and home renovation technologies, the brand’s reputation is gaining momentum. The list of competitive prices will be affordable for different groups of consumers.
  • In the case of failures or damages, the team will be involved in troubleshooting for 100% — there is a dedicated reserve fund of six million dollars for such purposes.

Reasons to Reach Out

The divergence of services is mind-driving. From building gazebos to refinishing varied kinds of flooring, it is as simple as ABC to find a soulmate solution. Here are more examples of what kinds of magic are available for the brand outside Hogwarts:

  • Patio services — specialists can install a completely new construction, repair the old one, and arrange a multifunctional lightning system for it as well. It is possible to build a veranda and other buildings for your needs too.
  • Renovation — both outdoor and indoor abilities are at your earliest convenience, regardless of how complicated your project seems. Work with inner bathrooms, basement, as well as building summer kitchens in yards — prepare your idea, and the team will find the solution.
  • Landscape design — that is a perfect way to make your garden/yard a unique masterpiece.

Captain Handy

The Bottom Line

If you are not sure where to start, the best solution is to consult with professionals. Captain Handy is accessible both per email and by phone. Besides, on their main page, customers will find their geographical location. Just a few clicks are the way to get answers on your questions. Don’t miss the chance to contribute to the quality of your current (or future) housing conditions.

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