How to remove aggregate function from PIVOT Crosstab query in T-SQL

I have this query for which I want to remove aggregate function because I have multiple rows and the column names are dynamically created in DB.

SELECT [Date From],[Date To],[Vehicle Name],[Vehicle Register No.],[Mileage],[Amount],[Notes],[Approved By] from 
select FieldData, FieldName from GLVoucherTransDetailView
) x
    for FieldName in ([Date From],[Date To],[Vehicle Name],[Vehicle Register No.],[Mileage],[Amount],[Notes],[Approved By])
) p 

This result is aggregate and it has multiple rows to return.

Date From   Date To Vehicle Name      Vehicle Register No.  Mileage Amount  Notes   Approved By
28/12/2021  31/01/2021  Nissan Urvan  23423                 43      5000    test 2  G1531

How to get multiple rows. Appreciated if anyone could help please.

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