Factors That Determine The Cost Of Water Damage Removal

Factors That Determine The Cost Of Water Damage Removal

Insurance statistics show that there are a lot of water damages happening today as 1 out of every 50 insured homes file a water damage claim each passing year. This means that many people would like to know just how much cost is incurred when water damage removal services are employed.

Like every other damage caused by disasters, the cost of remediating water damages is dependent on a number of factors. Prominent amongst these being the extent of the area that was affected and the damages it has wrought. It goes without saying that a larger affected area would incur greater water damage removal costs, and same goes for the extent of the damage incurred.

Other Factors That Affects Water Remediation Costs

Water Damage Removal

There are many other factors to put in consideration in determining the cost of water damage removal.

  • The Type of Water: Many people many not understand what “the type of water’ signifies. The thing is there are various kinds of water, with each causing varying degrees of damage. Well, basically when water damages occur, the water that has caused said damages are classified based on where the water has come from and what it contains. There are three of these categories which are
  • Clean Water: this is water that comes from a water pipe or rain, hence the term clean. Damages caused clean water are usually not too expensive to remediate.
  • Grey Water: this water comes from appliances and might contain soap or other chemicals. if affected by grey water, there is a need to also treat the affected area for complete disinfection and decontamination.
  • Black Water: this water originates from places like burst sewer pipes. These definitely contain healthy-threatening bacteria. Serious decontamination is thus needed if this gets into an area. This sort of water cost the most to clean up.
  • Where Your Home is Located: Your location matters in determining cost of water damage removal. For sure, water damage removal will be less expensive in rural areas than urban areas.

5-Points Step to Carrying Out a Water Damage Removal

  1. Secure Yourself and Everyone: Safety comes first always. Clear out the area and get everyone to safety. Also, cut out all power supply into your home as electricity and water are quite the opposite of each other.
  2. Stop The Flow: if possible, you should block the places through which water is entering into your property as fast as you can. This mitigates some further damages and gives you a chance to start the cleaning properly.
  3. Ensure Maximum Ventilation: open as many windows and doors as you can so as to allow for proper ventilation.
  4. Cleaning and Clearing Out: at this point you might want to scoop out excess water with a bucket and a mop. You should also carefully take out all the objectsand materials that have been affected by the water. There might be a lot of dirt and debris that you should clear out as well.
  5. Reconstruction: if your property gets badly damaged then some major reconstruction work will have to be carried out at this point.

If the water damage is extensive, then you should consider calling experts in water damage removal for help. They are in the best position to restore your home to its state of splendor and comfort.


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