How Much Do Plumbers Charge for Emergency Calls?

How Much Do Plumbers Charge for Emergency Calls?

When you already notice a minor plumbing issue, make sure that you exert the time and effort to address it immediately. Otherwise, it can lead to a plumbing emergency that is not only inconvenient but can be quite costly as well. This article sheds light on how much emergency plumbers typically charge for the calls that they get.

Regular Plumbing Charges

A plumber will typically charge on an hourly basis for regular plumbing issues such as fixing a leak. However, their hourly rate can slightly vary depending on your location as well as the company that the plumber is working for. Nevertheless, you may be charged with a lower rate for common handyman services such as replacing a kitchen sink or cleaning a drain. Just keep in mind that commercial plumbing costs may be a bit more expensive compared to residential plumbing services.

How Much Does An Emergency Plumber Cost?

Emergency Plumbing Charges

When it comes to emergency plumbing charges, expect that you may be charged around four to five times that of regular plumbing fees. For this reason, a 24 hour plumber Sydney expert suggests that you address small or minor plumbing issues immediately to avoid having to deal with the costs of emergency plumbing services. Nevertheless, an emergency plumber may still charge an hourly rate for the tasks that he needs to accomplish to address your plumbing emergency.

For you to have a good insight, plumbing emergencies such as a hot water tank repair may prove to be the most expensive services that you may have to pay, with a price that is quadruple times the fee that you have to pay for a blocked or overflowing toilet, as well as a blocked sink or a broken pipe. For issues such as the latter, you may need to shell out about a hundred bucks an hour, with the problem typically resolved after an hour. However, resolving a blocked drain can take up to three hours, which means that you may eventually need to pay more because of the long time that the plumber needs to address your plumbing emergency.

The Bottomline

Take the time to periodically inspect and maintain the plumbing structure of your property. In this way, any plumbing problem will be addressed as soon as possible, reducing the risk of any plumbing emergency occurring. Not only will you be able to save a significant amount of money from this but you will also be alleviated from the inconvenience that an emergency plumbing situation can bring.

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