How To Make Your Lawn Look Like A Million Bucks

How To Make Your Lawn Look Like A Million Bucks

When given the choice between an unkempt yard full of weeds or a well maintained grassy oasis what would you choose? If you’re like most people, you’re longing for a yard with excellent curb appeal. Perhaps you’d prefer green grass worthy of running barefoot through. Or maybe you love a tidy flower bed. 

One thing is for sure, having a nice lawn doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, more than ever before homeowners are putting in the effort to have lovely looking lawns. Whether you take on the task themselves or they hire a lawn care business expert to do the heavy lifting, getting your yard to look like a million bucks is easier than you can imagine. 

It may seem overwhelming at first after all that crabgrass isn’t going to remove itself. But rest assured, these 4 things will help you spruce up your property. With minimal effort for maximum lawn growth, you will never again be concerned that your lawn isn’t up to snuff. 

1. Learn How to Mow Properly

Is mowing the lawn the chore you avoid more than any other? Maybe you started mowing lawns as a youngster and have been doing it the same way ever since. It can be a tough pill to swallow when you find out how to properly cut your grass. But well-maintained grass is healthier and more beautiful. It is also less susceptible to diseases and weed infiltration. 

If you have been mowing on a set schedule, say every Saturday, then you are doing your lawn a disservice. Because the optimal grass height is 2 ½ inches you need to keep it around that height. Whenever grass is cut you should aim to only trim the top ⅓ of the grass, so if you let the lawn get too long, you could be damaging it. 

By mowing when the grass needs it, and not on a schedule, you will maintain the best grass health possible. It is also detrimental to mow too short in the hope you will have to do the work less frequently. (Though on hot humid days the appeal is certainly there.) 

Did you know that short grass can become more prone to weeds and being scorched by the hot summer sun? When you aim to keep your grass at a longer height it will ultimately help your lawn stay healthy and prevent weeds from growing. The root system of taller grass helps it withstand damage. 

If you have a lot of mature trees in your neighborhood and your lawn is primarily shady because of that you will want to keep your grass at an even taller length than the 2 ½ inches. The extra height helps the grass absorb more nutrients from the sun when it gets the chance. Grass that gets substantially less sun than that is at risk for poor health. 

As you mow, it is a good idea to periodically change directions. When your grass is cut frequently from the same direction it will begin growing in that direction in order to protect itself from being damaged. If you mix up the pattern every time you mow your grass will simply grow straight up, giving it a healthier and more resilient lawn. 

When you switch directions your lawn will also avoid forming any ruts in your yard which can become unsightly and cause further damage. (Especially as water could pool up there after a rain.) 

2. Keep Your Mower Sharp 

If you find that after you mow the lawn that your grass tips are turning black, white or brown, that is a sure sign your mower blades need to be sharpened. Most hardware stores can sharpen the blades for you in a timely manner or you could also purchase your own sharpening kit and do it yourself. 

If you have a relatively flat yard, you could also consider investing in an old fashioned push-reel mower. Because these blades cut in a more gentle manner they are great for the overall health of your grass. Whenever grass is mowed with a dull blade, the grass becomes shredded and the top or even torn. This can cause the grass to become stressed. 

Stressed lawns are prone to disease or being overwhelmed by weeds so having a well-maintained lawn mower can help your lawn look especially nice with minimal effort. If you find that grass is sticking to your mower blades it’s okay to spray non-stick cooking spray on them to help the glass clippings slide right off. 

Not letting your grass grown too much will also help keep your blades sharper, regular trims are better for both the grass and the mower! Also by avoiding mowing when the grass is wet, even from dew, will help your grass clippings not clump up and cause your blades to rust. 

If you hire a lawn care service, ask them how frequently they sharpen their blades. Most companies have a strict schedule to help your lawn stay healthy but it never hurts to make sure, your lawn’s health depends on it. 

3. Water With Care

Remember that your lawn needs water, but waiting for Mother Nature to take control is not always possible, especially in dryer climates. But watering your lawn doesn’t mean your water bill needs to skyrocket. Many people actually overwater their lawns, causing the grass to drown!

Most grass really only needs 1-1 ½ inches of water a week in order to thrive! So daily watering is unnecessary. Once or twice a week is really all you need for a solid watering job. Investing in a rain gauge is a great idea to keep track of the amount of rain but you can make your own by collecting rainwater in a pail and measuring it yourself. 

Pro tip: time out how long it takes your sprinkler to water the grass to the appropriate moisture level for easier watering in the future. If it rains enough, don’t worry about utilizing your sprinkler system. Skip watering until the lawn needs it. The ground should be wet enough to drive a screwdriver into the ground at least six inches deep with minimal effort. (If not, it’s time to water.) 

The most efficient time of day to water your lawn is in the early morning before the morning dew has had a chance to dry. Watering when it’s still cool with help your grass absorb the water and give it all day to absorb the water. If the grass is too wet at night it could accelerate fungus growth, which can destroy a lawn. Watering correctly can pay off big time! 

4. Add Some Visual Interest

The most inviting lawns are not simply grass. The lawns you drive by and exclaim at their beauty often feature beautiful shrubbery, trees, or even a water feature of some sort. When you envision your perfect lawn what does that look like to you? If you love rows of perfectly pink petunias, add a lovely flower bed to ass some visual interest to your lawn. 

Be sure to plant trees and shrubs that will grow well in your climate zone. Keep in mind how much shade you add to your lawn since if it becomes too much your grass health could suffer. They need the sun, that’s where their energy and nutrients come from! 

Perhaps you’d like a place for visitors to congregate in your yard, in which case adding a patio or gazebo might be nice. Many people who live in warmer climates have made their decks or patios into outdoor living rooms. 

All-weather lawn furniture is available on the market as large couches and comfortable chairs. When you add a fire pit and a grill, you’ve got everything you need to entertain well outside right from your beautiful lawn. 


Getting a great looking yard doesn’t need to be a lot of work or cause you to spend a lot of money. When you put in the effort, you can have the lawn that not only looks like a million bucks but you can enjoy it more. A green lush lawn can be yours to enjoy if you follow these 4 tips.

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