The Perfect Gift for New Moms

The Perfect Gift for New Moms

Bringing home a new baby is a thrilling moment in a family. Along with the new baby, though, will come new challenges and in some cases little rest. One of the best things friends and family can do for a new mom is to find ways to free up time so she can focus on resting and caring for her new baby. Gifting a new mom with house cleaning services is a great way to show you care in a practical way. Keep reading to learn more about the great ways gifting house cleaning services can help new moms.

Rest for Parents 

In a recent survey published by Parents Magazine, it was determined that most parents with children under six months old get one to three hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. This is a far cry from the recommended eight hours. Consider also new parents are not only getting less sleep but they are expected to take on huge new responsibilities when they are awake while adjusting to an entirely new lifestyle. You can easily see how new parents seem stressed and exhausted.

When parents are expected during their waking hours to still take care of all of the daily chores of life, it can get overwhelming very quickly. Any help with mundane household chores can help give mom and dad a little rest, and a little rest can go a long way when you are caring for a new baby.

The Best New Mom Care Package Ideas And Gifts

A Healthy Recovery

Getting enough sleep is not the only thing at risk for parents of new babies. In addition to losing needed sleep, a new mother is also actively healing from a huge physical trauma. Even an uncomplicated natural birth requires a good six weeks for a healthy recovery. If a mother’s birth experience involved more intense medical intervention such as a c-section, episiotomy, or other procedures, recovery time can be longer and more restrictive.

During this recovery time, it is often necessary for mothers to refrain from heavy lifting, stretching, or other activities. Daily household chores such as sweeping, mopping, lifting loads of laundry, and repetitively bending over can complicate the healing process.

For mothers who are experiencing intense recovery periods, regular household chores may be entirely forbidden for several weeks. Knowing that there will be someone to help take up the slack for daily care tasks can help a mother to relax and focus on her healing.

Better for Mental Health 

One aspect of recovery that many people fail to discuss is a mother’s mental health during those critical days following childbirth. Hormone levels will fluctuate drastically the few hours and days following birth. As a woman’s body switches from pregnancy to a postpartum state their emotions can feel overwhelming and out of control. Knowing that mundane household tasks are taken care of will allow a mother to relax just a little bit so that she can focus on adjusting to her new life as a mommy.

If you are wondering how best to show your love for a new mother in your life, visit a house cleaning website to find a local service you can gift to the new mom.

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