3 Frequently Neglected Home Maintenance Tasks

Home Maintenance

There are many maintenance tasks to do when owning a home. However, a few things tend to get overlooked. Maybe it is because these jobs generally need to happen only once per year or less. Nevertheless, if you let them go, you will often pay the price – literally.

Air Ducts

Dust and debris can build up inside of air ducts, which may affect the air quality in your home. This buildup can also affect the efficiency of your furnace and A/C units. Consult with a qualified duct cleaning Tampa service to have it removed. It is generally not a job a homeowner can tackle. Duct cleaning should be done about every three years unless you have a renovation done or you’ve moved into a new home. In those situations, debris from construction can be left in the duct, and the system should be cleaned right away. If you can’t remember the last time you had your ducts serviced, it’s probably about time.

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Sump Pump

When it rains, your basement may essentially become a mini retention pond under your home. A sump pump pushes the rainwater back out before it can flood. Maintaining this device should be a high priority. Instead, it is often neglected, possibly because it is only used during rainstorms a few times a year. Unfortunately, a failed sump pump can mean a substantial amount of costly damage. Therefore, add sump pump maintenance to your annual calendar for the spring. You can choose to do the work yourself or hire a professional. When that next big rainstorm comes, you’ll be happy you checked it out.

Dryer Vents

Most people empty the lint screen of their dryer frequently. However, they may ignore the external dryer vents. Leaving lint in those lines can cause a house fire, damage your dryer, or impact your dryer’s efficiency. Cleaning the vents should be an annual maintenance item. You can have the vents serviced or remove any buildup yourself. Both the hoses behind the dryer and the duct to the vent outside the house should be cleaned. Depending on how long the line is from the dryer to the outside vent, hiring a professional can quickly become the preferred method.

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Don’t be one of the people who forget to take care of critical home maintenance items. No one wants costly damage in a home due to simple neglect. Keeping a list showing when each item needs to be serviced can help you stay up to date.

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