9 Signs Your sewer lines need repaired

sewer lines

When you own a home there are certain things that might go wrong or just simply wear out with age. One of the things that might need repaired would be the sewer lines. However, you may be asking yourself, how will I know my sewer lines need repaired. The answer to that question will lead you to looking for signs that it does in fact need repair. So we will go over a few signs to look for so that you have better knowledge of what to look for.

One thing you can look for is an inconsistent water level in your toilet. If one day you notice the toilet levels being high but the next the water levels being really low,then you might have a sewer problem. If you notice this then you may want to contact sewer line repair joliet il because they can assess the problem for you.

When you take a shower and you have slow draining water and you notice your standing in water because it’s not draining out, then you may have a problem. Not only will the water drain slowly but water will come back up in the drain as well. 

If you experience these problems you may reach for the drain cleaner. The drain cleaner will temporarily fix the slow drain but it will not fix a broken sewer line. Do not waste time if this is happening, simply call one of the many sewer line repair joliet il.

If your sewer line is damaged you will have odd smells for strange noises when you flush the toilet or run water down the drain. The odor will be extremely bad so you will know you have a problem right away if you smell sewage in your house.

A big one to notice when dealing with a bad sewer line is soggy patches in the yard where there is standing sewage or water at the break of the line. As soon as you notice standing water in your yard you may want to contact a sewer line repair joliet il because you definitely have a big problem.

sewer lines

Take a close look at your yard again. Do you see thick and healthy grass in certain areas but not others? This will happen when sewage is coming up through the pipes because it is fertilizing the ground making the grass grow in that area.

If you see a problem with your foundation like cracks in the ground or soft areas in your home, then more than likely you have a sewage problem under your home. This could be on the most costly repairs to a sewer line that you will run across because you will have to fix your house as well.

Finding pest in your home could also be a sign of a sewer line break. Rats, roaches and other creatures like to live in the sewer lines and if you see them in your home more than likely they are coming up through the broken sewage line. You will need pest control but you will also need to check your sewer lines for cracks where the insects are coming through.

Mold in your home can be from a broken sewer line because the standing water will sower and create mold.

Another sign you have a sewage problem is multiple plumbing problems all at one time. If everything is not working properly then you definitely need to call a sewage repair person to come out immediately.

No matter what sign you notice you will need to call a repair person right away before you have more damage than you can handle.

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