Are Home Water Filters Effective?

water filters

In most developed countries like Australia, a significant majority of the population has access to clean tap water that’s safe to drink. Advanced technologies can treat dirty water as it goes through the pipes, making tap water as clean as bottled water.

Drinking from the tap has a lot of positive effects. For one, you can reduce the need for bottled water and therefore save money. In addition, the fewer bottled water you purchase, the less plastic waste you generate. And the less plastic waste you generate, the less harmful impact you’ll have on the planet.

Why Should You Get a Home Water Filter?

Despite the safety of tap water, it’s still a good idea to get in touch with water purifier Australia providers. Indeed, there are plenty of reasons to invest in a home water filter or purifier system. For example, there are those who don’t like the “taste” of tap water. Obviously, water is supposed to be tasteless and odourless. But due to the cleaning processes and the chemicals used for the treatment, tap water may taste and smell a little odd. Using a home water filter can eliminate these and give you a much more refreshing drink.

Another reason to get a water filter is if you’re currently living in an old house. After all, older water pipes may have layers of rust and sediments that can be carried by the water. This can re-contaminate the supply of treated water. Hard water is also a major concern. It’s generally safe for activities like washing clothes or dishes, although the minerals and salts in hard water can lead to stains and calcium build-ups. Using a water filter can drastically minimise the amount of minerals and salts in the water and help prevent your pipes and plumbing fixtures from developing scales.

Are Home Water Filters Effective?

Water Filters

There are different types of water filters you can get for your home. These include hot and cold water dispensers or standalone filters. These can kill the bacteria using UV sterilisation, reverse osmosis, and sediment filtration. Do note, however, that these dispensers make use of large plastic containers of water. If you’d rather drink tap water to minimise costs, you can instead choose an inline water filter. What is an inline water filter, you ask? This is a water filter that’s attached to a water pipe in your home, usually the one connected to the kitchen sink. Inline water filters can remove contaminants like chlorine, heavy metals, and even some bacteria. Inline water filters usually last for six months before they need to be replaced.

When you get a water filter for your home, you’re essentially adding a last line of defence against water-borne toxins and contaminants. These include microbes that can come from sewage treatment plants or septic systems, salts and metals, as well as the aforementioned sediments from your home’s pipes. Agricultural waste like pesticides and herbicides can also potentially contaminate tap water. A home water filter can also guard against these impurities.

There’s no escaping the fact that we need clean water to live healthy lives. This is why governments and organisations around the world exert every effort to ensure that people have access to potable water. Still, there are issues like improper management of resources that cause even the cleanest of tap waters to become polluted. Indeed, using home water filters and purifiers can further improve the safety of your water supply at home for added peace of mind.

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