Benefits Of Having A Hot And Cold Water Dispenser For Your Home

If your tap water is already potable and tastes “fine” it can be difficult to understand the benefits of having a hot and cold water dispenser in your home. But once you’ve invested in a hot and cold water filtration system, you will never want to be without one.

There are several solid benefits to having hot and cold water filtration systems for home use, and below we’ve laid out the ones many homeowners with such systems keep telling us over and over again. If you’re on the fence about getting a hot and cold water dispenser for your home, we hope these benefits can help you make your decision.


This is perhaps the most solid benefit of having a hot and cold water dispenser in your home. Many of us have grown up in households where we make do with putting pitchers and jugs filled with water in the refrigerator or heating water from the tap in a kettle each time you want a cup of coffee.

If this was your experience, then you know it can be annoying to come back home after a long day to find out that you forgot to refill your containers with water. Almost as bad is having to wait for your water to boil when you’re making a cup of tea,

With a hot and cold water filtration system, there’s no need to wait to have hot or cold water. You can have it the very moment you need it. It might not seem like much if you haven’t tried one in your home before. But given that Australians are some of the most avid coffee and tea drinkers in the world, the idea of hot water on demand is extremely appealing for most homeowners.

Better tasting tea and coffee

Speaking of tea and coffee, a hot and cold water filtration system doesn’t just give you hot and cold water when you need it. These systems also greatly reduce the TDS (total dissolved solids) found in water, which for tea and coffee drinkers means a purer-tasting cup. Many coffee and tea aficionados — at least the ones who dislike the taste of their home’s tap water — purchase hot and cold water filtration systems for home use simply so they can make great-tasting brews right in their kitchen.

Better-tasting food

Even food as simple as oatmeal comes alive when you use a hot and cold water filtration system. These systems remove the minerals that are responsible for off-flavours that you might get from mineral-rich water. If you’re serious about cooking, then you owe it to yourself to get a system that effectively removes dissolved solids from your water.

Reach your hydration goals easily

Getting the proper amount of hydration has become a trending health topic these days, and there are even products and apps that aim to help you drink your recommended amount of fluids per day.

While drinking enough fluids seems simple enough on the surface, in reality, there are often barriers that keep us drinking as much as we want to. For instance, if there’s no cold water in your fridge, you might want to wait a while before drinking it. Chances are, however, you might forget to drink any altogether because you’re dealing with other things happening in the course of your day.

The convenience that a hot and cold water system offers means that it’s easier to reach those hydration goals simply because you don’t feel you have to wait as long to start drinking. All you need is a glass or a cup and you’re ready to start drinking cold, clean, great-tasting water.

A hot and cold water filtration system saves space in your refrigerator

If you haven’t invested in a hot and cold water dispenser yet, your refrigerator is probably filled with water bottles and water pitchers. If you live in an area with nasty tap water, chances are those bottles are single-use ones that have to be disposed of after each use.

With a hot and cold water dispenser, you can save a lot of space in your refrigerator for storing other items.  There’s also much less of a need for plastic bottles, which in turn is great news for the environment.

Saves time heating or cooling water

One of the more under-appreciated benefits of hot and cold water dispensers is how much time they can save. Most of us need to drink about eight glasses or two litres of fluids per day. You’d be surprised at just how much time you’d have to spend preparing these eight glasses per day.

As we mentioned earlier, heating water the old-fashioned way takes time. Even electric kettles and microwave ovens, while quite fast, are much slower compared to hot and cold water dispensers. Cooling water the old-fashioned way with a refrigerator or freezer is even slower, and sometimes, you even have to manually refill each pitcher of water you’re cooling in the fridge. Other times, you might even have to boil the water before cooling it, especially if you live in a remote area where pathogenic intrusion is a known risk in your water supply.

Individually, each activity doesn’t take that much time off your day. But taken together over the course of a year, you’ll find that all this time adds up, and it’s time that could be better spent doing anything else.

Hot and cold water filtration systems for home use can be safer for you and your family

Lastly, these systems can help keep you and your family safe from waterborne illnesses. While most of Australia has safe drinking water, there is a growing concern over the intrusion of contaminants in the water system. Boil water alerts are also occasionally given out, especially in the event of a natural disaster.

However, there are no guarantees that any advisory will reach you in time, especially if you use water from your own well. Having a hot and cold water system with a filtration component can do a lot to mitigate those risks, and more so if you only use the hot water provided by the dispenser during announced boil water alerts.

We hope that this cleared up questions you might have had about getting a hot and cold water filtration system for home use. If any of the benefits of having a hot and cold water dispenser appeal to you, make sure to purchase your system from a dealer you can trust.

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