Home Alarm Systems Explained

Home Alarm Systems Explained

Protecting your family and home is on every person’s mind when they buy or rent a house. There are many different home security companies and home security systems available for purchase or rent depending on how long you plan on staying in your current residence.

All home security systems have a similar base and come with a basic set of equipment in order to operate. Sensors that can go on windows, doors, and garages. A home panel that will arm, disarm, and control certain settings for the system. Motion sensors that when a home is armed away (meaning nobody including animals will be moving in the home) will set off the alarm if sensors in the doors or windows did not catch something. 

A high pitched alarm able to be heard throughout the whole house, and a yard sign to let neighbors and possible intruders know there is an alarm. Some companies include wireless and wired cameras for inside and outside the home but not all basic packages come with that. Some companies charge extra for window sensors as well. If you’re wanting window sensors and security cameras be sure to do your research so you don’t wind up paying extra when there’s an all inclusive option from competing companies.

Home alarm systems generally work in the same way. They’re based off on arming entryway points hence the motion sensors placed on doors and windows. When armed they are active and searching for motions that should not be there when nobody is supposed to be home. There is a setting that is an armed stay that is used when an animal may be wandering while the family is gone or is used nightly once the whole family is settled in the home for the evening. The sensors communicate with the control pad and home security company that will send police if the alarm is not dealt with in the allotted time. Companies will also call the given phone number before sending police to avoid unnecessary police interference.

Window and door sensors work by creating an invisible circuit from either end. They’re placed opposite of each other so when a door or window are closed it creates a barrier, thus when a door or window is opened it breaks the barrier and sends the signal to the home panel which activates the high-pitched alarm. This only happens when the alarm is set.

Surveillance cameras aren’t just for the front and back doors. If you have a large yard or live on a big property with hard to see areas it’s a good idea to get surveillance that reaches out there. Nowadays surveillance cameras can sync directly to your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. This is can keep peace of mind when you’re at work or on vacation and what to be able to check in on your home and pets. If there is ever a home invasion or robbery while you’re away security cameras will keep footage that can be used to help find the person responsible and help with insurance claims as evidence.

Many people aren’t aware that your high-pitched alarm that comes standard with home alarm systems can be heard by your neighbors alerting them that something may be going on. They both alert you and your family inside the home and is actually a good deterrent to send the burglar running. A scare like that sends most running because they will get caught.

Home security is always a good investment especially if you or your family members are alone often at night or go on extended vacations. Ask neighbors for references, interview potential companies, and know what you want from your home security system.

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