Home Sprinkler System

One of the biggest trends of the modern world is introducing smart technologies into the home. From smart phones and smart TVs to virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, there are a whole host of new technologies people are bringing into the home. But one you may not have thought of was an automated sprinkler system. While it may seem fancy, automated lawn sprinklers don’t require a heavy investment; a medium-sized sprinkler system will do the trick. Little innovations like a sprinkler system makes your home modern and improves efficiency. All that will increase the value of your home.

Follow through and see some of the best sprinkler systems

Rachio Smart Sprinkler

This is one of the best smart sprinklers in the market today. It is integrated with Amazon Alexa, a virtual assistant who helps you get things done through voice commands. Installing the Rachio sprinkler system is easy. All you need is a technician for the initial installation and everything will be running smoothly. According to their advert, Rachio’s system is compliant with utility rebates but that depends on the local water provider. With this system, you have eight zones to control and each works with a skip feature that doesn’t operate on rainy or windy days. It is WaterSense certified, a great way of knowing that you’re saving water. It’s a smart home device that you can go for any day and you’ll have no regrets.

Orbit B-Hyve Smart Sprinkler

Orbit is a system that you can also use with Amazon Alexa where you get access to a more detailed forecasting system. Orbit uses history, measures moisture and has other ingenious features that help you detect if and when it should water your lawn. These features save you lots of money and the system uses minimal power compared to many others.  Installing the Orbit B-hyve system is not as easy as many others; the installation process is lengthy and a bit complicated and you will need an expert to install it for you.

Skydrop Halo Smart Sprinkler

This system is such a great break away from the ordinary systems. It can work with both the Amazon Alexa and Google Home. It is easy to install with a few steps listed on the manual. Before you get used to the system, you may find it challenging and therefore you should get an expert to help you install and show you a few things to watch out for. It is important to note that this system doesn’t save much water compared to Orbit B and Rachio but it will still save you up to 20% of your water bill which is still a good one.

Rain Bird Wi-Fi Smart Sprinkler

Rain Bird Smart Sprinkler is the smart sprinkler system for those on a budget. Although it is not as aesthetically appealing as Rachio, you still have the standard eight- zone control and has full communication with Amazon Alexa, thus hands-free. Rainbird offers excellent data gathering and therefore you can use it in multiple ways.

If you are looking for a home sprinkler, choose a smart type from a reliable company that will allow you to do most of the things hands-free. A reliable water pump is a prerequisite for these systems to check out PumpBiz to ensure you’re in good shape. Each type of sprinkler has its merits and drawbacks but the most important thing is to get advice from an expert and choose a home sprinkler that is within your budget.

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