How Adjustable Beds Help You Sleep Better

Most of us are aware of the importance of a good night’s sleep for our overall well being and health. But, if you are sleep deprived for several weeks or perhaps even months, an adjustable bed base can be your solution to get back into healthy sleeping. Adjustable beds Melbourne come with an array of medical benefits including pain relief and sleeping comfort. Apart from this, your adjustable bed can also provide several lifestyle benefits, in turn improving your sleep and upgrading relaxation.  Remember also that the adjustable bed base is not just for people who are suffering from multiple sleep issues. Even when you are not facing any sleep issues currently, an adjustable bed can deliver significant benefits and improve the quality of your life.

With an adjustable bed, you have the ability to raise or lower the head/foot into a range of flexible positions, until you are in a position that gives you the maximum comfort.  If you have used a recliner the same experience can be replicated with the adjustable bed too.

Anyone can use an adjustable bed and there is no limitation such as an adjustable bed for seniors or convalescing patients etc. Given today’s fast-paced life, quality sleep is essential for everyone. You can also enhance your experience with the adjustable bed by adding a natural latex mattress or similar mattress and get a better sleeping experience.

Beyond the restorative and restful sleep, an adjustable bed brings a sea of benefits that is important for all of us across age profiles.

Many useful features

Adjustable beds Melbourne come with a wide range of useful features and some of the most common features are listed below:-

Remote control – Remote control facility is either hardwired to your bed or is offered as a wireless piece.

Massage – Different models have multiple massage zones and some of them may even come with the ability to control the intensity of massage or change the pattern of massaging, and even a massage wake feature.

Raising your head and feet – Certain models allow you to raise only your head while others may offer the freedom to elevate your head or feet as desired.

Memory – This can be a very useful feature for many of us since a comfortable sleeping position can be saved and even have a ‘flat’ position at the click of a button.

Whisper-quiet operation – Most models are ‘whisper quiet’ and that will ensure your partner not being disturbed when you are making adjustments to your position.

Split models – With split models, you and your partner can control the respective side of the bed independently using two remote control devices.

Depending on your choice, you can also find more advanced features like lighting under the bed, an iPhone app to control the lighting as well as the bed, zero gravity position that is pre-set, and more.

Several health benefits

An adjustable bed also brings along a series of health benefits including:-

Relief from pains and aches

You can expect significant relief from a wide range of pains and aches when you sleep on an adjustable bed and these include relief from injuries and muscle strains, leg swelling, gastric reflux, low back pain, hernia, muscular pain and fatigue, and fibromyalgia etc.

No need to pile up your pillows

To read a book, work with your laptop or watch TV while in bed, many people pile up their pillows to get a comfortable position. With an adjustable bed, you can get your desired position by just clicking a few buttons rather than piling up pillows or other forms of support. More importantly, by adjusting your bed, you get more comfortable support than you can with pillows or other support material.

Improved mobility

Many people also turn to an adjustable bed base because of the practical benefits they bring along. People who have limited mobility can improve the quality of their life with an adjustable bed giving them additional comfort as well as independence. These beds also offer identical benefits like the hospital beds including hand controls, getting out from the bed, ease to sit up etc.  Yet, they do not look like the hospital bed and therefore keeps you free from that sick feeling. If you are recovering from surgery, illness, or injuries, you will find the adjustable bed a significant aid in the recovery process.

Improved breathing

Sleeping well also means more oxygen getting into your system. People who suffer from severe cold and congestion always want to keep their head upright to breathe better and relieve the congestion. With a convention bed, this is often a challenge while the adjustable bed makes it just a child’s play. With more oxygen getting into your system, you can expect faster relief from congestion and your cold too.

A big help for people suffering from Asthma

People suffering from Asthma will find the adjustable bed a huge help because sleeping in a horizontal position can be very uncomfortable for them. Achieving the desired position with the help of pillows does not work well since the pillows may not stay in one place throughout the night.  Apart from Asthma, the adjustable bed also helps with many other breathing disorders related to sleeping position.

Improved blood circulation

An adjustable bed helps with improved blood circulation and this, in turn, can be beneficial when you are suffering from certain types of swelling.  The correct sleeping position has a salutary effect in many health conditions and the adjustable bed has the ability to give you the perfect sleeping position that aids your recovery and makes you significantly more comfortable in your bed.  Conversely, sleeping on flat surfaces can aggravate your problem and make your sleep even painful. Spider veins, varicose veins are among health issues that often impact people who are on their feet throughout the day. Security personnel, lift men etc. are examples of such professions and these people often suffer from swollen legs. They can improve their sleep quality when the legs are kept elevated and only an adjustable bed can do this for them.

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