How To Become A Prayer Warrior In 3 Easy Steps

Becoming a prayer warrior is something that every Christian aspires to be. But is it easy to do? The terminology itself is intimidating and there’s a mystery surrounding it that most Christians rever. But every Christian has the power to become a prayer warrior. You may even be one already; you just don’t know it!

A prayer warrior, for all intents and purposes, is someone who believes in the innate power of praying. That there is no impossible with ardent praying. A prayer warrior also innately believes that prayer works. He is a person who talks to God in a way that’s individual, singular and specific to their relationship with the Almighty. If you want to be one, here are 3 easy steps you can follow:

Know Who You Are Praying To.

It goes without saying that it is God who you should be praying to. But knowing who is that you are conversing with is the first step in becoming a prayer warrior. Look up to God, realize his power, and believe in him wholeheartedly. The people who are successful prayer warriors know the importance of an unshakeable belief in God.

Praying is one of the most powerful ways to develop a deep connection with the Almighty, as noted by Knowing God makes it easier for any person who wants to be a prayer warrior to speak with Him personally. So if you want to have a more prayerful life, start with knowing God – his life, his heart, and his will. Trust us; it’s one of the most beautiful things that you’ll be learning in life.

Be Certain In Your Authority To Manifest The Things In Prayer.

When God said to believe in His divine providence and plan, He means it. Most people that pray do not believe the power of prayers and only pray because they’re uncertain of things and seek guidance. While that’s not a bad thing to pray for, a prayer warrior is already in the deep end of the power of prayers. That’s why it’s important to be certain and authoritative in saying your prayers.

God listens, and where and when we should be doing, giving, and receiving things. There is a time to reap and a time to sow – as the classic verse says. Having certainty and authority makes your prayers stronger. Don’t hesitate to ask for God’s protection, wisdom, and discernment as it elevates your authority in praying for yourself and other people.

Always Be In The Power Of Truth.

This means that the Bible should always enlighten every waking hour of your life. Every morning, put on your protective armor, the one that’s based on truth and trust. The Bible’s truth should be your truth. Study your bible religiously, and make the words sink into your soul. Trust in God’s truth that he has everything planned from the beginning and that his words are guides for people to have a life full of blessings and unending grace. Having a deep understanding of God’s message to humankind is your armor throughout the day.

Prayer Warrior

The power of truth can’t be overstated. Part of being a prayer warrior is living, being and becoming a beacon of truth, not only on Sundays but every day of the week. You should be an example to your co-workers, as well as bosses, brothers, and sisters, even strangers. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth, because as the saying goes, the truth will set you free.


No matter what you do, do it with a joyful heart. This applies to prayer, so don’t scrimp on what you want to manifest. You don’t have to be a prayer warrior to ask and believe God will provide, although it’s the perfect way to become one. To ensure you’re on the right track, keep a prayer journal. It will help you with organizing things.

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