How To Choose Between Ro And Uv Water Purifier?

Water is the essential ingredient that completes life on Earth. Without water, everything will become lifeless. Scarcity of drinking water has put a question mark on the intelligence of most intelligent creature oh earth-Humans. Wastage has reached its maximum heights. Many countries have already had water shortages.

To overcome this problem, many new ways of recycling and re-use of water have been introduced. But the problem is not restricted to the shortage, but contamination has also joined the race. Increasing pollution has made all the available drinking water dirty, which is harmful to your body. To overpower this problem, along with other technologies and measures, water purifiers are the best options.

Water Purification is a process of eliminating undesirable chemicals, metals, biological contaminants, or impurities present in water. Water purifiers contain different types of filters which remove different kinds of pollutants and are choose according to the quality of water. For example- if the water is hard, then a water purifier that softens the water should be installed. If the water is muddy, then purifier whose filtration process eliminates mud should be installed.

Types of Water purifiers

  • RO or Reverse Osmosis
  • Ultra Violet (UV) technology
  • Ultra Filtration (UF) technology
  • Activated Carbon
  • Water Softener
  • Alkaline Ionizer

How to Choose The Right Water Purifier?

Following points should be considered while choosing the best water purifier

Quality of water- It is the first thing to be noticed. In case of hard water, choosing RO water purifier is s best option.

Total Dissolved Solids or TDS- TDS is a total number of ions including minerals, salts, and metals dissolved in water. It is expressed as mg per unit volume of water (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm) if TDS level higher value than 500 ppm is considered as hard or contaminated water.

In this blog, we will discuss how to choose among the best RO and UV water purifier?

RO or Reverse Osmosis

RO is considered the best water purifier for treating hard water. It removes undesirable impurities and solids quite effectively but works less on microorganisms. The technology used in RO contains a very thin fine cloth called RO membrane that filters all the contaminants, solids, and other poisonous chemicals like pesticides and metals.


  • It is the best water purifier to treat hard water.
  • Many harmful metals like mercury, Chlorine, Arsenic, etc. gets eliminated by Kent RO water purifiers.
  • It is best for eliminating Cryptosporidium, which is a parasitic coccidian protozoan that can cause intestinal infections.
  • It has a storage tank that saves water in case of electricity cut-offs.


  • Water filtered by RO is tasteless as it removes essential minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and sodium that are required by the human body.
  • It requires electricity and takes more time to purify.
  • It wastes more water while filtering. For example, in filtering 1 liter of water, 2 liters of water is wasted.
  • There is no system of indicating any damage or break. For instance, if a membrane is blocked with chlorine and it stops working. You will not see any indication or signal for that.

UV Water Purifiers

This water purifier uses Ultra Violet rays that create a tube through which water pass and all the undesirable microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, etc. gets de-activated. This technology is efficient enough to kill 99% germs.


  • It takes less time to purify water
  • It uses less electricity which is equivalent to an electricity use by a 60-watt bulb.
  • The taste and color of water do not change as UV does not use any chemicals in its filtration process.
  • It also eliminates pathogens and microbes that cause problems in children.
  • UF water purifiers do not require much maintenance and have long-lasting filters.


  • UV filters do not work effectively on hard water.
  • It does not have a storage tank as in RO water purifier.
  • In the case of muddy water, water should first pass through some other purifier, and then UV water purifier will work on clean water.
  • UV water purifier does not work in case of electricity cut-offs.
  • No indication or signal is passed in case of any damage or problem with the filtration process.
  • Any microorganisms get missed, it gets into clean water and multiplies itself, making water unfit for drinking.

Therefore from the above information, we conclude that no water purifier has all the qualities. One water purifiers work best on one type of impurity while other eliminates the other. To overcome this problem, a simple solution is to use a combination of these technologies like RO UV water purifier. The best RO and UV water purifier will remove all the unwanted impurities and retain essential water minerals too.

Reading the above points must have cleared your mind on choosing the best water purifier.

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