Preserving Precious, Old Photos Using the Right Materials

Preserving Precious, Old Photos Using the Right Materials

Many of our homes are full of old photos from when we were a child. These photos hold a lot of memories, and bring back bouts of nostalgia when we see them. However, over time, these photos will begin to fade and lose their quality if handled, stored and transported incorrectly.

As you could imagine, the thought of losing all of your old family memories and heirlooms can be terrifying. Because of this, you need to ensure you protect these photos at all times, to ensure you and your family can continue to enjoy them well into the future.

With that in mind, this blog post is going to go over a few tips when it comes to preserving and protecting your old photos.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Of course, one of the best ways to preserve your photos is to use technology. Instead of storing them in albums or boxes, why not store them digitally? Not only will this make them easier to find and search through, but will also ensure they last forever. Photos can easily be converted to digital versions using various services that exist today.

In some cases, even old negatives can be converted to digital. Be sure to use this negatives to digital guide by EverPresent if you want to learn more information on the process. By doing this, you never have to worry about losing your old photos or them accidentally being destroyed or damaged. This can also make the sending and sharing of photos much easier and faster, too.

Store them in the Right Place

If you decide against keeping copies of your photos online, you need to be very careful when it comes to storing your photos. If they are stored incorrectly, it could lead to much more rapid deterioration. There are several things you need to keep in mind when storing your old photos.

First and foremost, they should be kept in a well-ventilated area, and in a place that isn’t overly humid or is prone to floods. Storing your photos at room temperature is also a good idea, as too much heat can interfere with the chemicals.

While there are several reasons that print photos can fade, one of the biggest culprits is light. The photos should be completely enclosed if possible, but if not, at least stored in a place that is quite dark and not frequently subject to bright lights.

Know the Right Tactics to Handle Your Photos and What to Avoid

There may be a time where you need to move, handle or transport your old photos. Unfortunately, this is among the most common times for damage to occur to them. If you want to keep these photos preserved for as long as possible, you need to handle them with care.

You should support the photos, ensure they aren’t dropped, and always keep them flat and be sure not to bend them. Watch to make sure nothing spills on the photos, and always use clean gloves when handling them. If you are going to clean your old photos to help them look better, be sure that you are doing it the right way.

If you aren’t careful, fingerprint smudges, dust and other debris could find their way onto the photo. It is a good idea to always keep these photos covered or protected when transporting them, as well.

In conclusion, we hope that the information and tips included in this article have been able to help you learn some great ways to preserve and protect your precious old photos.

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