Problems That Can Occur If The Air Filter Is Not Changed often Enough

Problems That Can Occur If The Air Filter Is Not Changed often Enough

Helpful tips for keeping up with air filter maintenance

Trust us, after reading this article, you will never forget to change your air filter again.

  1. Your Air Filter Will Be Left With Dust And Other Particles

Your air filter prevents many airborne particles from entering your HVAC system. Some of these pollutants include dust, dander, hair, and cooking fumes. If not changed regularly, your air filter can become clogged with these particles, leading to the problems listed below.

  1. It Will Take A Long Time To Bring Your Home To The Desired Temperature

If your air filter is dirty and clogged, it will not allow enough air through your system. Insufficient airflow reduces the efficiency of your HVAC system, which means it will have to work harder and work longer to keep your home as cool or warm as you want it to be.

  1. Your Energy Bills Will Go Up

If your HVAC system has become less efficient, it means that the system is needing more energy than it needs to do its job (cooling or heating your home). This translates into higher energy costs, and these higher bills are definitely noticeable during the hottest and coldest times of the year.


  1. Your Indoor Air Quality Will Decrease

An air filter prevents dust and other debris from circulating through your HVAC system. If the air filter can’t handle this, debris will not only pass through and start clogging your HVAC system, but will also end up circulating through your home along with the air your system is circulating.

When the air filter is too clogged and dirty, dirt will seep through, enter your HVAC system, and circulate through your home. This can worsen allergies, asthma and other chronic respiratory conditions.

  1. Your HVAC Components Will Not Last As Long

Reduced efficiency comes with more disadvantages than just higher energy bills. As your system works harder, this means more wear and tear on system components, which can cause them to fail prematurely. New furnace  monroe county Michigan is also a best selling service which is also provided by them.

  1. Evaporator Coils May Freeze

This problem is especially prevalent in summer, when air conditioners are used the most. The coils in your evaporator will freeze if there is not enough airflow to disperse the condensation that forms during the cooling process. Condensation that doesn’t dissipate can freeze, which then limits your condenser’s ability to remove heat from the air and cool it. This can lead to a malfunction of your air conditioner.

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