Real Estate Trends In Malta 2019

Real Estate Trends In Malta 2019

According to research, the Maltese real estate currently happens to be one of the most lucrative markets in the world. In fact, the price of commercial properties for sale in Malta has increased by 17 percent in the last 12 months alone.

The most preferred real estate market in Malta has been attributed to several different aspects, from the scarce supply of property to the country’s consistently stable economy and promising tech industry that is underpinned by constantly improvising the infrastructure.  The Maltese government has committed to the regulation and investment prospects in blockchain technology has also opened the state up to numerous opportunities in the tech industry with the hopes of attracting more investment coming in.

With the rapid growth in the property for sale in Malta, real estate investors already have their properties in Malta, it becoming quite challenging for the locals at the lower level of the earning scale, especially when considering the fact that the average Maltese earnings have not increased even a bit in the last few years.

In fact, most of the middle-class natives that want to buy property in Malta at the moment simply cannot afford the skyrocketing prices of real estate on the island, whereas others are trying to secure finances from banks due to the steep amounts needed for upfront deposits.

This shows that around 80 percent of the Malta natives do not own a property on the island and will have to hold on to it at least for the time being. However, before they consider making a move, it is imperative to consider the real estate trends in Malta 2019.

Real Estate Trends In Malta 2019

When contemplating the future of Malta’s inflated real estate industry, it is crucial to consider its prevailing trends. Like the fact that real estate prices were at an index of 238.4 during the first quarter of 2017, on the other hand, the first quarter of 2019 witnesses a considerable boost in this index and took it to 241.9.

Several property experts warn about this trend, that if it continues, the Maltese real estate market may turn into a big bubble in merely no time, and just like any other bubble, it will eventually burst, making a good way for decreased property prices for ale and inevitable bank failures.

It is expected that the real estate market of Malta will overheat during 2019, which will further expand the gap between low-wage earners and their real estate possession aspirations.

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