Technology And Industry 4.0 Is In Our Home

If you take some time to think about the way the world works and the way the world operates and upgrades every single year then you’re going to realise that we are going to an era of tremendous changes. Nowadays everything is controlled through the Internet. Did you know that you can actually install appliances all around the house that you can turn on and off simply by logging into your phone?

Do you have a ceiling fan?

Let’s take a very simple example. Ceiling fans. Everyone has at least one ceiling fan in their house. And of course, we all know the old fashion ceiling fan, the one with the chain that controlled them and could turn them on and off. Well, nowadays things are far away from that kind of technology.

Companies that manufacture fans like for example Fanimation have moved on from that old fashion way of manufacturing the product. Nowadays, everything is done through the Internet. For example, you can buy fans from Fanimation with Wi-Fi control that you can turn on and off whether you are in the house or not. Try to imagine how amazing something like that would be.

You can turn the fan on through your phone

That assume for a moment that it is a really hot day and you are at work. You know for a fact that if you return home without someone already being there to operate the fan, you’re going to have to spend some hellish minutes until the room cools down. Well, nowadays you don’t have to do that. You can get a ceiling fan that actually connects to Wi-Fi and that you’re able to control for your phone or through an app.

Most modern fans are usually connected to the Google assistant, Amazon Alexa and many other operating systems that are actually using voice command. Try to imagine it. You’re just sitting around the office and right before you leave to go back home, you simply turn on the application and you command your fan to start working. The moment you return home the entire place is going to be a lot cooler and you will know that you will not have to deal with the heat at all.

Use the best technology today

The reason why this technology is growing so popular nowadays is mostly because of the fact that, the high quality and energy-efficient fans are actually using more energy efficient motors like for example the direct current motors that are able to save them over 70% of power consumption compared to a traditional ceiling fan. Try to imagine. If all of your appliances are actually connected to these types of motors and were operated by this type of technology you can see all the way up to 70% of the utility cost and energy cost you’re paying every single month or every single year.

Wi-Fi technology is now everywhere

This new technology is here to stay and we need to understand that by using it to make our lives a lot easier. Just like a modern ceiling fan you can buy a modern washing machine or a modern refrigerator. In every case, you can actually use appliances that will be environmentally friendly, will be easy to operate no matter where you are and will definitely make your life a lot easier. Processes around the house are going to become a lot faster and you’re definitely going to know that now, you have a smart home to return to.

Do a little bit of research on green homes and smart homes to learn a thing or two about them. We can definitely guarantee that, at the end of the day the information you’re going to find is definitely going to be enough to convince you to start changing your lifestyle. Start by using a different kind of ceiling fan. After that, you will find your way to an innovative and technologically as well as environmentally friendly home.

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