The Ultimate Guide To Flat Pack Kitchens For Your Perth Home

Flat Pack Kitchens

Many homeowners choose to work their living rooms and bedrooms when they want to redecorate or remodel. However, the kitchen is also a great place to start giving any home an updated look. A modern, beautiful kitchen brings a lot of benefits, including a higher property value and cost savings resulting from energy efficiency. If your family loves preparing food and dining together, remodeling the kitchen is definitely a great investment. And truth be told, if you love cooking, you will also find your kitchen deteriorating faster than any other part of the home. Redecorating and remodeling your kitchen is only the logical thing to do so you can keep on cooking great meals and experimenting on new recipes.

The good thing is that flat pack kitchens are now becoming more and more popular. These DIY kitchens make remodeling your kitchen so much faster, easier, and cheaper, without sacrificing style and quality. For those planning to undertake a kitchen remodeling project, here are some things to know about flat pack kitchens. Perhaps these will convince you to get in touch with flat pack kitchens Perth providers and to give your kitchen a well-deserved upgrade.

What Is A Flat Pack Kitchen?

As touched upon earlier, flat pack kitchens are do-it-yourself kitchens. The manufacturer or distributor will send you all the components you need and you’ll be able to assemble these components yourself. Think of it like a larger-than-life jigsaw puzzle or even a home simulation game. All of the pieces for a beautiful kitchen—from the benchtops and sinks to the cabinets and fittings—are included in the “pack” and are made specifically to fit perfectly together. If you love DIY projects, you’ll surely love flat pack kitchens!

How Do You Get A Flat Pack Kitchen?

The way it usually works is you will first send a design plan to your preferred flat pack kitchens Perth company. Then, following the exact specifications indicated in your design, the company will manufacture the parts for you. Afterwards, the parts will be packed and sent to your address. All that’s left is for you to assemble the components. You can easily do this on your own, using basic hand tools, although you can also hire professionals to do it for you.

The Benefits Of A Flat Pack Kitchen

Aside from getting all the parts customised specifically for your kitchen, there are more benefits to getting a flat pack kitchen instead of doing a full-on renovation. Here are just a few of those benefits.


This is one of the primary advantages of a flat pack kitchen: it’s considerably more affordable. Depending on how big the project is and how much you’re going to redecorate, you can find flat pack kitchens that cost as low as $2,000 to $5,000. Compare this to an average cost of $10,000 for even low-budget renovations and you can immediately see the huge savings. The money you save can then be used for other more premium elements like top-of-the line kitchen appliances and fixtures.

Quick And Easy Assembly

If you know how to use a screwdriver, a hammer, and an allen wrench, you can assemble and install a flat pack kitchen. If you don’t have these tools yet, you can probably find them easily in your neighbourhood construction supplies shop. Moreover, flat pack kitchens come with detailed instructions and complete hardware, down to the last nut and bolt. Finally, each component is measured, cut, and finished with precision. When you finish the installation, it will look like a professional did the job!

Another benefit of a flat pack kitchen is that you can finish the project faster compared to a traditional remodeling and renovation. This means that you’ll spend less time doing grunt work and more time enjoying the newly remodeled space.

Flexible And Customisable

What most people get wrong about flat pack kitchens is sizing, with many coming to interpret flat pack kitchens as only having prefabricated, “standard” sizes. However, modern flat pack kitchens give you the option for customisation. You can create your own design and have each and every part manufactured to fit your space perfectly. There’s no need to worry about ill-fitting cabinets or overlarge benchtops. With a flat pack kitchen, you have endless possibilities in terms of size, shape, and design, and more to create a truly personalised space.

High Quality

Another negative characteristic associated with flat pack kitchens is poor quality. Because they come pre-packed and are so much cheaper, flat pack kitchens are often thought of as an inferior option. This is entirely false, however. There are plenty of flat pack kitchens to choose from that maintain the highest standards without being too expensive. And if you think that premium features only come with designer kitchens, think again! Modern flat pack kitchens have high-end components for a luxurious style at a fraction of the cost.

More Options

Because of their surge in popularity, it’s now easier to find flat pack kitchen providers all over Perth. You can shop around, compare prices, and figure out which company is the best fit. There are even some retail establishments that already offer their own flat pack kitchens.

Is A Flat Pack Kitchen Suitable For Your Home?

When it comes to flat pack kitchens, the question isn’t really about suitability. A flat pack kitchen is suited for almost any kind of home. Even if you have a bigger budget for remodeling, a flat pack kitchen is still an ideal option simply due to its convenience. Size and space also aren’t issues, since the components can and will be customised and measured down to the very last millimetre. In short, the question is really about when you’ll be remodeling your kitchen and what designs you’ll be creating.

Time and money have become even more valuable nowadays. That’s why flat pack kitchens are gaining more and more traction in the world of construction and design. With such innovations, updating the look of your home won’t take as long and cost as much. Consider investing in a flat pack kitchen if you’re planning to remodel your kitchen soon.

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