What Are The Most Common Types Of Garage Doors

Garage Doors

Garage shutters enjoy the greatest attention around the world. To a lesser extent, sectional doors and swing doors are purchased. Double-leaf doors are the least sought after (these are actually the most frequently removed doors to be replaced by lifting doors). There are other types of garage doors that are more exotic (impractical for some conditions) according to garage doors newmarket.

1. Rolling Shutter Doors

They rise up, curling up in a box. There are basically two types: steel and aluminum.

They are characterized by low cost, relatively fast performance, strength, good security, noisy movement.

Ideal for underground garages, fences, gates and garages on the sidewalks of busy streets with large car and human traffic, and wherever noise is not important, but price is important.

Aluminum Rolling Shutters

Features: more expensive than steel roller blinds, lighter, quieter, more elegant, do not rust, give some thermal insulation.

They are suitable for terrestrial garages around which there is no intensive movement of people and cars and where some, although small, thermal insulation is sought. Also, when looking for an elegant look, wood decor Golden Oak or Walnut and especially when it is important that the door is not too noisy.

Aluminum garage doors have a longer life under the conditions described above than steel ones because they are lighter and load less mechanisms.

Both types of rolling shutters can be automatic or manual. Automatic ones can also be opened by hand when the power is stopped.

Roller shutter doors have the advantage that they can be installed outside, except inside. They also do not depend on the ceiling of the garage along which there are often beams, pipes, communications, especially in new construction, they are often an obstacle to the installation of a sectional door.

2. Sectional Garage Doors

They rise vertically and turn around the ceiling, breaking into large panels. They are only installed inside the room. They can be manual or automatic.

The main feature of sectional doors is thermal insulation. Unfortunately, it is only available at the highest class of doors – at the highest price. For low-cost versions, you don’t get long thermal insulation.

Sectional doors have the greatest potential for beautiful wood decors and designs.

Elegance is a central feature of these garage doors, as is quiet work. Security is also a characteristic. Durable too (with high class doors).

Some sectional door types can only turn 10 cm from the lowest point of the ceiling, leaving the entire opening free to pass, unlike the doors of a flying wing.

  • Flying Wing (Swing Doors)

They rise upwards, moving more than a meter in front of the façade, and retract under the door jamb. They are only installed inside the room. They can be manual or automatic.

Flying door doors are suitable for underground garages with a wider passage opening where passage height is not particularly important. They are also suitable for ground garages where no special safety is required.

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