What Makes Basement Waterproofing So Important For Your House?

What Makes Basement Waterproofing So Important For Your House?

Constructing a house is tough, but maintaining is a bigger challenge. Being a house owner, you have to ensure that you protect your investment so that you can enjoy utmost peace and comfort. The most commonly overlooked aspect of the house is always the basement. Though the time you perhaps be spending in there is fairly less, this is a structural element on which your house rests. Therefore, it is vital to keep the foundation of your house in the best possible condition. Dampness and water leaks are the two major issues related to basements. If you spot any such issues, you must act immediately as negligence may lead to major consequences.

  • Natural Calamities Can Be Disastrous

If you reside in heavy rainfall or hurricane-prone areas, then you must never overlook the aspect of basement waterproofing. This is because your basement is vulnerable to flooding. Excess water from the ground may seep in through the basement quite easily. Rainwater can enter into the room via cracks which already exist in the floor and walls, causing seepage. Moreover, hydrostatic pressure is created as the flood water form puddles in the ground surrounding the foundation walls. Over the period of time, the water is pushed over the wall due to the pressure, and can lead to flooding of the basement. This is why basement waterproofing is a must!

  • Structural Damage

If your basement gets wet and has moist soil, your house is prone to seepage. These seepages are generally found in the joints and edges where the wall and floor meet. It usually takes a lot of time until the seepage becomes noticeable. If overlooked for long, it can lead to major problems like bowed walls or cracked foundations. Therefore, it is imperative to waterproof your basements to prevent your house from structural damages.

  • Infestations

It is imperative to check your basement for mold growth. If you find any growth, you need to hasten and immediately waterproof your basement. Damp areas prove to be the breeding grounds for contaminants and microorganisms. Different types of mold breed beneath padded and damp carpets or in between the walls. Black mold happens to be the most dangerous contaminant as it contains high levels of toxins, which can even cause death. You need to be extremely cautious about your basement, specially if it stays wet most of the times as it could lead to serious health hazards.

Basement waterproofing in Toronto is crucial. Though you do have to shell out some money, this investment is totally worth it!

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