When To Stop Repairing Your Roof And Restore It Instead

When To Stop Repairing Your Roof And Restore It Instead

When considering repairs for your roof, it can often be a difficult decision on whether you should completely replace your roof or perform a series of repairs instead. Regular maintenance is important for maintaining your home’s appearance and making sure that your roofing systems can remain structurally secure. Putting off your needed repairs can quickly lead to these roofing systems starting to fall into extreme disrepair. Home improvement decisions may often require a professional roofing team to make an assessment on whether or not it could be time to restore your roof.

In order to make a decision on if it’s time to replace or patch your roof, a roofing inspector will look at a few factors, to begin with.

The Type Of Damage

If you have a few damaged areas across your roofing system, it may be wise to simply patch the deteriorating section of your roof rather than completely replacing the entire thing. Patching can be an excellent way to keep your roof looking great but it does change the wear pattern of the roofing materials.

Serious damage like sagging in your roof may require immediate repair or a complete replacement to fix. This will go far beyond just replacing a few shingles.

Restoring A Roof

Restoring a roof by shingling over existing roofing materials can often be a consideration and many homeowners would make. Putting excess weight on the structure of your home and shingling over worn-out materials will only add an increased risk to the structural integrity of your home. The full replacement of a roof is often a requirement based on the overall age of your roofing materials, the amount of damage that your roof has seen as well as if you are experiencing problems with moisture.

Complete restoration of a roof with roofing material replacement can be a great way to get a longer lifespan of your roof as well. Considering a different roofing material could make sure that you could enjoy a longer lifespan on your roof.

If you are in need of roofing repairs or roofing restoration contact Old Time roofing today to learn more.

This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing which offers roofing in St Petersburg Fl. Ted is a Master Elite Weather Stopper GAF Roofing Contractor, a double award winner of Best Steep-Slope Contractor from GAF and achiever of Master Elite Consumer Protection Excellence from GAF. He has been serving the Pinellas County area since 1978. A Old Time Roofing has been a tradition in quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.

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