Why Let Pest Control Professionals Get Rid of Rodents in Your Home

Why Let Pest Control Professionals Get Rid of Rodents in Your Home

Different kinds of rodents t live in Boise; however, all of them have one thing in common. Rodents are dangerous and destructive. If you think you have a rodent issue in your home, you must need to contact Barrier Pest Control, a pest control company in Boise, ID. Here’s why:

The Company can Identify Rodents

Hiring a pest control professional will help you get a positive ID on your unwelcomed guests. You may misidentify the different species of rodents in your home. but, it’s great to know the difference between these rodents. 

A deer mouse is around 4 inches long and has a long tail that’s about the same length as its body. Typically, the rodents’ tail has fur, which ranges from white to brown. On the other hand, a house mouse is smaller than a deer mouse. Often, it measures between 2-3 inches long. A roof rat is much bigger and grows to around 8 inches long. Its take can be as long as 10 inches. It has black fur and does not have any fur on its tail.

Rodents are Dangerous

Rodents are disease spreaders. They spread diseases either directly or through human contact with their saliva, feces, or urine. They are a known carrier of leptospirosis. Also, rodents bring other pests into your home such as fleas and ticks. These new unwanted visitors can create discomfort, cause illness, or take over your household. 

It is Difficult to Get Rid of Rodents

If you have tried dealing with rodents in your home, you surely know how tough it is to get rid of them. This is because local rodents breed at a rapid rate. You may deal with a few rodents at first; however, they will soon multiple and become out of control. Also, rodents can slip through small cracks and go unnoticed. Often, you may not discover their hiding spots unless you know exactly what to look for. Another reason eliminating rodents is difficult is that the majority of DIY methods or controlling rodents do not work. For example, mouse traps don’t always successfully catch mice. It requires understanding a rodent’s behavior to catch one. Also, rodents can smell humans and if you touch a trap too much, they will not go near it. The best way to eliminate mice and ensure they stay out is to let a pest control expert handle the job for you.

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