Why Tree Cutting is Crucial for your Beautiful Garden? Expert Analysis

Why Tree Cutting is Crucial for your Beautiful Garden? Expert Analysis

Both plants and trees and shrubs need regular pruning to redirect energy and free themselves from broken, damaged or dried branches, leaves and flowers. Tree cutting or Pruning is essential because by cutting some sectors, plants improve their development and appearance. Poorly done pruning can end up damaging the plant in question. That is why the first thing to learn about tree cutting is to know how to observe to detect how a specimen is growing and proceed to cut if necessary.

What should be cut in tree pruning?

Pruning trees contribute to its growth. It makes them grow healthy, bloom more and give a greater amount of fruit. For safety, it is necessary to ensure that they do not have broken branches, holes in the trunk, the bark raised and that the roots are healthy. Damaged or broken parts of the tree always damage the tree and its natural growth. The damaged branches that intersect the tree must be pruned. Pacifiers, both those that leave from the base of the tree, and those that grow on the trunk must be pruned.

What types of pruning exist?

Training pruning: As a rule, it is done in young plants to get a good skeleton.

Sanitation pruning – Broken and dried branches are removed.

Fruiting Pruning: It is done by eliminating flowers to achieve a balance between the amount of fruit and what the tree can support. This applies to fruit trees.

Flowering pruning: It is especially done in bushes with abundant flowering to get the maximum possible flowers.

Pruning of rejuvenation: In very old trees that have had little maintenance, more severe pruning is done getting them to sprout again and renew their branches

What pruning tools do we need?

A handsaw, a hand scissor, a two-hand scissor, and if the branches are very large we will need a chainsaw. If the cut branches are of an important diameter, you must use a healing paste to apply in the cut.

Basic rules to know the best pruning time

If they are plants that bloom at the beginning of spring, the best time is in summer, after flowering. If instead, they bloom at the end of spring they will be cut at the end of autumn or winter. Trees that do not bloom should be trimmed in winter. You have to avoid cutting when the yolks are getting fat and until the leaves are perfectly formed. Beware of soft-core trees, it is best to make a green pruning so that the branches heal well and do not suffer from the cold (cherry, walnut, fig tree etc.). Pruning of citrus fruits – lemon, mandarin, orange, etc., it is done in February.

So, as you can see that tree cutting may look easy, but doing it is not. It is the work that must be done by the Garden Help professionals. Because these works need not the only experience, but professionalism and latest equipment with profound technical and botanical knowledge.

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