Winter’s Coming: Ways To Manage Risks That Come With Cold Weather

Cold Weather

There are only a few weeks left before saying hello to the winter season. For some businesses, the change in the season is an opportunity to make more sales. But we can’t deny the fact that winter presents risks that are not present during the other seasons. Slips, falls, employee sickness, icy problems, and business interruption are a possibility. How can one prepare and manage risks that come with the winter season? Prevent your sales from dropping along with the temperature with the following tips:

Clear your driveway, parking lot, entryway, and exits

Don’t let the snow stop you from welcoming guests and your employees from coming to work. Hire a reliable company that specializes in snow removal in Riverton, Utah. Keeping all floors and walkways clear can help prevent slips, falls, and other untoward incidents.

Improve health in your workplace

Colds, coughs, and flu can quickly spread among your employees. It pays to take extra precautions to avoid the spreading of sickness. Remind your employees to practice proper handwashing. If possible, provide hand sanitizers in each room. Encourage them to get flu shots as much as possible and stay at home if they catch the flu.

Maintain your property

It is essential to maintain your commercial property before the winter season comes. Clear your roof and check if any repair is in order. Make sure to drain water from all the water systems that you won’t need during winter. Call in your local HVAC technician to check your heating system. Make sure that everyone inside your building will be warm and comfortable.

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Review your business insurance

One cannot predict if there will or will not be a business interruption. Building damage and liability issues can also happen during cold weather. But it pays to review your policies to make sure that you’re adequately covered in case the need arises.

Keep up with your marketing

Business is usually slow during winter. But that doesn’t mean that you can take a break from advertising your business. Make sure that you promote your brand no matter the season. Always be active on social media to maintain your online presence. Use this opportunity to present discounts and freebies or even offer season-friendly products.

Consider allowing your employees to work remotely

Does your business allow your employees to work remotely? Then consider allowing them to work from home. You get to continue with your operations and save some resources for letting your employees work in the comfort of their homes.

Keep a reliable generator in handy

There are times when snowstorms can cause power outages. Having a reliable generator can help you keep the operations ongoing. Have enough gas to keep it going and keep in mind generator safety practices.

The winter season shouldn’t be an excuse for business owners to take it easy. Mitigate winter risks by having the right insurance. Maintain your property and promote the health and safety of your employees and clients. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of creativity to ensure business continuity during the harsh cold season.

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