5 Positive Impacts Of Ensuring Proper Home Insulation

5 Positive Impacts Of Ensuring Proper Home Insulation

Insulating your entire home might seem like a significant investment, but the benefits of having it done aren’t just compelling in this day and age; they’re necessary! With so many ways to climate control and weatherproof your home, there’s no reason to believe that insulation is still a costly, time-consuming process. Earthwool insulation batts, for instance, keeps your indoor temperatures manageable regardless of the climate conditions outdoors. They are also easy to install and are made with eco-friendly materials. Below are 5 positive ways proper home insulation can affect your household.

#1: Insulation ensures your entire household’s continued comfort

Research shows that uninsulated or improperly insulated homes can lose up to 75% of their indoor heat during the winter season. Conversely, during the summer, homes can feel significantly warmer, thanks to solar heat gains, even when located in areas with relatively temperate climates.

Proper home insulation allows you to have better control over the amount of heating and cooling indoors, keeping temperatures at the level you feel most comfortable. It acts as a barrier between the indoors and outside conditions. Plus, it always slows down the flow of heat from room to room, ensuring constant and even temperatures throughout the entire home.

#2: Insulation promotes a healthier home environment

A well-insulated home isn’t just warmer; it’s drier too. Moisture-rich environments are prime breeding grounds for mould and mildew—organisms that could cause serious health problems for you and your family. The damp air also allows common pathogens that cause airborne illnesses (such as cold and flu) to thrive. By outfitting your home with proper insulation, you can protect yourself from these threats.

Properly insulating your home doesn’t just keep cold or warm air out. The same barrier that keeps your indoor temperatures nice and mild can also maintain healthy indoor air quality by blocking outdoor air that may have been contaminated with allergens, pollutants, and harmful chemicals and substances.

#3: Insulation increases your home’s energy efficiency

Heating and cooling account for about 40% of the average Australian household’s energy use. It doesn’t take much energy to make a home warm or cool; the challenge is in keeping it comfortable. In uninsulated homes, air leakage is a common issue that accounts for 15-25% of heat loss during the winter. This means that your heater has to work overtime to maintain the indoor temperature you’ve set for your home. The same goes for cooling. Air leakage causes the cool air being pumped out by your air-conditioning system to seep out underneath doors, between windows panes, and between the gaps in the floors, walls, and ceilings.

Given the rising costs of residential electricity, the importance of energy efficiency can’t be overstated. Insulation allows homeowners to save on their monthly utilities by preserving desired indoor climate conditions, making sure that your heater and air-conditioner only work as much as they need to—no more and no less.

#4: Insulation reduces your household’s carbon footprint

Cost-effectiveness is not the only benefit of efficient energy use. When your heating and cooling systems use less energy to achieve and maintain your desired indoor temperatures, you also help conserve the country’s fuel resources while reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into our atmosphere.

 #5: Insulation increases your home’s value

According to a study conducted by the Australian property group PRDnationwide, homes that have been outfitted with sustainable features that can help their owners offset their living costs command prices 10% higher than properties that do not possess them. These features include solar panels, rainwater tanks, and, yes, proper insulation.

Insulation attracts potential buyers for the same reasons that compel homeowners to have them installed: comfort and utility bill savings. Such homes sell faster, too. According to the same study, feature-rich properties sell 13 days more quickly than houses that do not have any additional features.

These benefits collectively offer a compelling argument for ensuring that your home is properly insulated. In certain Australian states and territories, you may even be able to get assistance from the government for your purchase in the form of discounts and special offers, offsetting the cost. As such, consider proper insulation for your home today!

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