8 Helpful Tips For A Hassle-Free Home Renovation

8 Helpful Tips For A Hassle-Free Home Renovation

Whether you’re going the DIY route or hiring a contractor, home renovations are to cause some disruptions in your family’s daily lives. With a little bit of planning, however, you can save not just time and money but also your peace of mind. Here are some helpful tips to help you have a hassle-free home renovation experience.

Identify the “Why”

This is one of the first things that you have to figure out: why are you renovating? Are you going to sell your home and want to increase its value? Or do you simply want to give your living spaces a new look and perhaps get updated furnishings? The “why” of your renovation will help you figure out how extensive the project will be. If you’re planning to sell your home, for example, it may be wise to do everything in one go and hire a contractor. If you’re simply looking at updating the look of certain areas in your house, you can go more slowly and redo just one or two rooms at a time.

Make Sure You Have Somewhere to Stay

For smaller renovation projects, especially if you’re not remodeling bedrooms, this isn’t too much of a concern. However, for significant upgrades that involve most parts of your home or the entire house, you should have a plan on where you’ll stay until the project is completed. This is especially important if you have young children in the family. Ideally, your temporary home should be close to where your house is so you can easily check on the progress of the renovation work and quickly handle any issues should they arise.

Don’t Forget the Rubbish!

The size of the renovation project doesn’t matter. It will always generate a lot of trash and debris. To help you manage the rubbish, you may want to contact a skip bins Perth supplier for your home renovation. Make sure also to allocate some time at the end of every day to tidy up, especially when it comes to putting tools and equipment away. This is to ensure that the next day of construction will proceed smoothly.

Set-Up a “Headquarters”

Before you begin the renovation, designate an area that will serve as your “headquarters” of sorts. This is where you should keep your tools, building plans, construction supplies, and other necessities for the project. You may also consider this space your “huddle room,” where you can meet with the people involved in the renovation and discuss anything related to the project.

Keep the Receipts

Keeping the receipts for everything you purchase for the renovation will help you keep track of your spending. Moreover, it will make things easier just in case you need an item returned or replaced. Bring the receipts with you whenever you visit the renovation site for quick reference.

Draw Up a Master List

Speaking of keeping receipts, you should also make sure to have a master list of everything you need for the renovation. This should include anything and everything related to the project, from permit requirements and work schedules to additional tools and supplies. With a master list (along with your studious record-keeping with receipts), it will be easier to track the project progress and also stick to your budget.

Make Room for Pets

A construction site is no safe place for pets. You may want to consider having your pets cared for by friends or family, especially if the project will take a while to be completed. If you’re planning to relocate to an extended-stay hotel or apartment, ask the management first if you’re allowed to bring pets. Be prepared for an adjustment period, however, as your pets acclimate to their (temporary) new home.

Keep Your Valuables Safe

Do you have precious belongings at home? An heirloom vase, perhaps, or a one-of-a-kind painting? Make sure to protect these items and keep them far from the renovation site, so they don’t get damaged. In fact, you may even want to remove them from the house entirely and rent a storage unit. For smaller items, perhaps you could ask a favour from friends or family to keep them for a short while. Only bring these items back once your renovations are complete. Even if you’re only redoing one or two rooms, you’ll be surprised at the amount of dust and dirt that a renovation project can generate. You don’t want to risk damaging your valuables!

Remember that no matter how carefully you plan everything, you will always encounter some inconvenience as you renovate your home. Still, this doesn’t mean that you can’t at least minimise the hassle. By keeping the above tips in mind, you can hopefully have a smoother-sailing home renovation.

Author: I’m  Jaylin: SEO Expert of Leelija Web Solutions. I am a content manager, and the author of elivestory.com and a full time blogger. Favorite things include my camera, travelling, caring my fitness, food and my fashion. Email id: editor@leelija.com

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