Quick Tips To Organizing A Hoarder’s Home

Living in an organized space is common for most people who enjoy a clean home. However, some people suffer from a hoarding habit that results in them keep large amounts of stuff in the home. Often, hoarders have a hard time classifying items of value and end up keeping useless stuff that fills the home, making it hard to clean. If you have a loved one who has hoarding behavior, you could help them organize their home using the steps below:

Understand Hoarding Behavior

Hoarders are often not aware of the extent to which their behavior affects their health and general well-being. It is, therefore, essential to involve the hoarder in the cleaning process so that they understand the need to keep their space clean. In extreme cases, you could seek professional medical help for the hoarder so that they can take back their life and live a healthier lifestyle.

Get the Right Tools

After evaluating the home to have an idea of the work to be done and prioritizing tasks, it is crucial to gather the right tools. You will want to protect yourself while working. Thus you should have gloves, goggles, dust masks, and sturdy shoes. Other essential tools include a flashlight, repellant spray, and a first aid kit. Also, have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of fires caused by flammable materials in the junk piles to avoid damages that would reduce the value of the home.

Bring Together Supplies

Apart from the items used in protecting yourself while working, it is vital to have the right equipment for organizing the home. This includes trash bags and empty boxes for the rubbish and other unwanted items from home. Gather cleaning tools such as vacuum cleaners, brooms, sponges, cleaning agents, disinfectants, and buckets, among others. If there is a need for repair, you will also want to have tools like screwdrivers and drills.

Scale Down the Collections

The genesis of hoarding is the inability to decide which items to keep and which ones to get rid of. When organizing the home, take time to reduce items in a collection to a few essential ones. In some cases, you will get rid of huge collections that have been damaged or infested with insects or unwanted micro-organisms. However, expect a bit of resistance from the hoarder and be ready to explain the need to reduce clutter and stop hoarding.

Invest in Closet Organizers

Storing clothes in an organized manner can be done using organizers that keep everything in their place. These organizers need to be large enough to accommodate the number of clothes and easy to put things back after use. Also, a clothes organizer makes it easier for the hoarder to keep the room neat, thus reducing the chances of going back to former bad habits.

Hire Professionals

Organizing the home of a hoarder often involves multiple people, which can be close family or a professional company. Fortunately, there are many hoarding removal services you can contract to help put the house in order. For expert assistance, hire Service Master Restore, one of the best restoration professionals available in Florida.

Applying the tips above will make organizing the home of a hoarder easier and faster.

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