Why Should You Not Paint Your Home With The Same Colour?

Choosing the perfect paint colour for your walls is an enjoyable part of decorating your home. Most people would say that choosing neutral colours for interior painting is easy, and probably the safest choice.

Neutral colours are definitely easy-going, but why settle for a monocolour theme for home when you can experiment with several colours. When two paint colours are properly used for home/flat painting, it can add impactful visual contrasts and a subtle elegance to the overall feel of your home. By hiring the best painting services in Delhi, you will be able to create a massive impact with astonishing multicolour rooms.

Painting Your Walls With One Colour Is A Myth!

Most people consider that decorating your house with a single colour makes it easy to decorate the space. However, it couldn’t be farther than the truth. It might seem like a piece of solid advice, but it can be more difficult than using a few different shades of colour.

When everything is of the same colour, it can come off as too loud, creating a repulsive effect. Therefore, contrasts are known to work the best in interior painting.

Though there are far better options out there, many people continue to think that a single colour is the best they got. But why is that?

Let’s try to understand why people think it is better to have a monocolour theme for home instead of contrasts and multicolours.

  • It is easy to choose a single paint than choosing several colours and coordinating them.
  • Painting with a single colour helps in flowing colour from one room to another.
  • People consider it to be less expensive compared to buying different paints and hiring professionals to achieve intricate designs.

Why Avoid Painting Your Wall With A Single Colour?

People think that a monocolour theme for home is a good idea because it allows the colour to flow from one room to the other. It may also sound easy and convenient, but the truth is that the paint won’t behave in the same way in all your rooms.

The colour tends to change at every corner, even in the same room. So, it will do the same in other places as well. Other factors are going to determine how the paint looks in your space. These factors tend to change the colour, which will make it difficult for you to find the perfect single neutral colour for house painting.

Some of the factors that affect the appearance of the paint include –

  • Ambient Lighting – The choice of light placement, light bulbs, and light fixtures are going to affect the appearance of paint colours in every room.
  • Natural Light – The amount of natural light a room receives will differ from one room to another. Your living room may receive an abundance of light, while it may not be the same in your guest bedroom.
  • Exterior Influences – The colour used for your windows and windows can also tremendously affect how the monocolour is perceived.

How Can You Avoid These Problems?

The best way to avoid these problems would be to get paint samplings for every room. By painting small portions of your walls with sample paints, you will be able to observe how it looks throughout the day.

If you are opposed to the idea of multicolour walls, you can try using different shades of a single colour.

Why Painting With More Than One Colour Is A Great Idea?

Painting your house is all about enhancing the look and feel of the space. Therefore, don’t hesitate to put some thought into it.

Multicolour walls can dramatically make your look nicer and more appealing. Hence, try to create contrasts based on your theme for the perfect look. If you have trouble materializing your ideas, hire professionals’ painters who can do it on behalf of you.

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